Sunday, December 2, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
DHomesb Chapter 5 - (Version 4.0)
Which two statements describe packets that are sent through a Linksys integrated router using NAT? (Choose two.)
#Packets that are sent to a destination outside the local network need to be translated.
#Packets that are sent between hosts on the same local network do not need to be translated.
A PC obtains its IP address from a DHCP server. If the PC is taken off the network for repair, what happens to the IP address configuration?
#The address is returned to the pool for reuse when the lease expires.
What is the destination MAC address in a multicast Ethernet frame?
#an address that begins with 01-00-5E in hexadecimal
How many bits are available for Class B host IP addresses using a default subnet mask?
Which default subnet mask provides the most host bits?
Refer to the graphic. NAT and DHCP are installed on the Linksys integrated router. Which IP address is most likely to be assigned to the local computer, Host1?
Refer to the graphic. The host requests an IP configuration from the Linksys integrated router which is configured to provide DHCP services. In addition to the host IP address, which additional IP address is provided that will allow the host to access the ISP and the Internet?
#internal IP address of the integrated router that connects to the local network
Refer to the graphic. A user at the workstation cannot connect to the server. All cables have been tested and are working and all devices have IP addressing. However, the user cannot ping the server. What is causing the problem?
#The workstation and server are on different logical networks.
Which part of an IP address identifies a specific device on a network?
#host portion
Which type of server dynamically assigns an IP address to a host?
What is one of the purposes of NAT?
#prevents external users from detecting the IP addresses used on a network
Assuming a default mask, which portion of the IP address represents the host?
How large are IPv4 addresses?
#32 bits
Which statement is true concerning private IP addresses?
#solves the issue of a finite number of available public IP addresses
Yvonne is talking to her friend on the phone. What type of message is this?
Which of the following are private IP addresses? (Choose three.)
Which three statements describe a DHCP Discover message? (Choose three.)
#The destination IP address is
#The message comes from a client seeking an IP address.
#All hosts receive the message, but only a DHCP server replies.
What destination IP address is used in a unicast packet?
#a specific host
How many usable hosts are available given a Class C IP address with the default subnet mask?
What information must be included within a unicast message for it to be delivered on an Ethernet network?
#MAC and IP addresses that correspond to a specific destination host
A host with the IP address and a default mask belongs to what network?
Which two statements describe packets that are sent through a Linksys integrated router using NAT? (Choose two.)
#Packets that are sent to a destination outside the local network need to be translated.
#Packets that are sent between hosts on the same local network do not need to be translated.
A PC obtains its IP address from a DHCP server. If the PC is taken off the network for repair, what happens to the IP address configuration?
#The address is returned to the pool for reuse when the lease expires.
What is the destination MAC address in a multicast Ethernet frame?
#an address that begins with 01-00-5E in hexadecimal
How many bits are available for Class B host IP addresses using a default subnet mask?
Which default subnet mask provides the most host bits?
Refer to the graphic. NAT and DHCP are installed on the Linksys integrated router. Which IP address is most likely to be assigned to the local computer, Host1?
Refer to the graphic. The host requests an IP configuration from the Linksys integrated router which is configured to provide DHCP services. In addition to the host IP address, which additional IP address is provided that will allow the host to access the ISP and the Internet?
#internal IP address of the integrated router that connects to the local network
Refer to the graphic. A user at the workstation cannot connect to the server. All cables have been tested and are working and all devices have IP addressing. However, the user cannot ping the server. What is causing the problem?
#The workstation and server are on different logical networks.
Which part of an IP address identifies a specific device on a network?
#host portion
Which type of server dynamically assigns an IP address to a host?
What is one of the purposes of NAT?
#prevents external users from detecting the IP addresses used on a network
Assuming a default mask, which portion of the IP address represents the host?
How large are IPv4 addresses?
#32 bits
Which statement is true concerning private IP addresses?
#solves the issue of a finite number of available public IP addresses
Yvonne is talking to her friend on the phone. What type of message is this?
Which of the following are private IP addresses? (Choose three.)
Which three statements describe a DHCP Discover message? (Choose three.)
#The destination IP address is
#The message comes from a client seeking an IP address.
#All hosts receive the message, but only a DHCP server replies.
What destination IP address is used in a unicast packet?
#a specific host
How many usable hosts are available given a Class C IP address with the default subnet mask?
What information must be included within a unicast message for it to be delivered on an Ethernet network?
#MAC and IP addresses that correspond to a specific destination host
A host with the IP address and a default mask belongs to what network?
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
DHomesb Chapter 4 - (Version 4.0)
Which definition describes the term Internet?
#a network of networks that connects countries around the world
What type of connection point is a point of presence (POP)?
#between an ISP and a home-based LAN
What is the term for the group of high-speed data links that interconnect ISPs?
#Internet backbone
What are three characteristics of business class ISP service? (Choose three.)
# fast connections
# extra web space
# additional e-mail accounts
What does the tracert command test?
#the network path to a destination
What is a major characteristic of asymmetric Internet service?
#Upload speeds and download speeds are different.
Which three elements are required to successfully connect to the Internet? (Choose three.)
#an IP address
#a network connection
#access to an Internet service provider
Which two places are most appropriate to use UTP cabling? (Choose two.)
# in a home office network
# inside a school building
Which device can act as a router, switch, and wireless access point in one package?
What type of end-user connectivity requires that an ISP have a DSLAM device in their network?
#digital subscriber line technology
Why would an ISP require a CMTS device on their network?
#to connect end users using cable technology
Refer to the graphic. What type of cabling is shown?
Refer to the graphic. What type of cabling is shown?
Which two characteristics describe copper patch panels? (Choose two.)
#uses RJ-45 jacks
#allows quick rearrangements of network connections
What term describes each router through which a packet travels when moving between source and destination networks?
What does adherence to cabling standards ensure?
# reliable data communications
What connector is used to terminate Ethernet unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cabling?
# RJ-45
Refer to the graphic. What type of cable is shown?
What are two advantages of cable management? (Choose two.)
#aids in isolation of cabling problems
#protects cables from physical damage
What are two common causes of signal degradation when using UTP cabling? (Choose two.)
#having improper termination
#using low quality cables or connectors
What are three commonly followed standards for constructing and installing cabling? (Choose three.)
#cable lengths
#connector types
Which definition describes the term Internet?
#a network of networks that connects countries around the world
What type of connection point is a point of presence (POP)?
#between an ISP and a home-based LAN
What is the term for the group of high-speed data links that interconnect ISPs?
#Internet backbone
What are three characteristics of business class ISP service? (Choose three.)
# fast connections
# extra web space
# additional e-mail accounts
What does the tracert command test?
#the network path to a destination
What is a major characteristic of asymmetric Internet service?
#Upload speeds and download speeds are different.
Which three elements are required to successfully connect to the Internet? (Choose three.)
#an IP address
#a network connection
#access to an Internet service provider
Which two places are most appropriate to use UTP cabling? (Choose two.)
# in a home office network
# inside a school building
Which device can act as a router, switch, and wireless access point in one package?
What type of end-user connectivity requires that an ISP have a DSLAM device in their network?
#digital subscriber line technology
Why would an ISP require a CMTS device on their network?
#to connect end users using cable technology
Refer to the graphic. What type of cabling is shown?
Refer to the graphic. What type of cabling is shown?
Which two characteristics describe copper patch panels? (Choose two.)
#uses RJ-45 jacks
#allows quick rearrangements of network connections
What term describes each router through which a packet travels when moving between source and destination networks?
What does adherence to cabling standards ensure?
# reliable data communications
What connector is used to terminate Ethernet unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cabling?
# RJ-45
Refer to the graphic. What type of cable is shown?
What are two advantages of cable management? (Choose two.)
#aids in isolation of cabling problems
#protects cables from physical damage
What are two common causes of signal degradation when using UTP cabling? (Choose two.)
#having improper termination
#using low quality cables or connectors
What are three commonly followed standards for constructing and installing cabling? (Choose three.)
#cable lengths
#connector types
Cara Menampilkan File yang Terhidden Oleh Virus
Inilah langkah-langkah Cara Menampilkan File yang Terhidden Oleh Virus
- klik menu Start pada toolbar anda >> RUN >> Ketik cmd (command promt) >> Ok
- Setelah masuk di kotak dialog menu Command Promt yang latar belakangnya hitam itu, masuk pada lokasi flash disk anda, conto ada di f, jadi ketik f:
- Silahkan ketik attrib(spasi)-s(spasi)-h(spasi)*.*(spasi)/s(spasi)/d, lebih jelasnya attrib -s -h *.* /s /d
Keterangan :
- Attrib = attribute atau sifat dari suatu file
- -s = berfungsi supaya file kembali dikenal oleh windows
- -h = berfungsi menampilkan kembali file yg tersembunyi/disembunyikan
- /s dan /d artinya perintah attrib akan dikenakan pada semua file dan folder yang berada di dalam folder
kata kunci : Cara Menampilkan File yang Terhidden Oleh Virus
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Cara Cepat Dan Mudah Menghitung Subnet
1. Ubah IP number ke bilangan biner
2. Ubah Subnet mask ke bilangan biner
3. Lakukan operasi AND [1-1=1, 0-1=0, 0-0=0, 1-0=0]
4. Hitung jumlah host = 2 pangkat n - 2
5. Hitung jumlah subnet= 2 pangkat m
Ex [untuk network kelas C]
240 didapat dari konversi subnet ke bilangan biner, dan terdapat 28 angka biner bernilai 1
1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 0000
|_______| |_______| |_______| |________|
255 255 255 240 [128+64+32+16]
IP biner: 11000000.10101000.00001101.00010001
Subnet : 11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AND
IP network: |___16___| <------------------------------------------
IP broadcast: -----> 00011111 [angka 0 dibelakang 1 diganti 1]
Jumlah host: 2 pangkat 4 - 2 = 16 -2 =14 [4 didapat dari jumlah angka 0 di oktet terakhir]
Jumlah subnet: 2 pangkat 4 = 16 [4 didapat dari jumlah angka 1 di oktet terakhir]
berarti ada 16 subnet dengan jumlah host masing masing subnet=14, kelipatan yang digunakan [256-240 =16]
Monday, November 26, 2012
Pengertian Psikologi
Pengertian Psikologi - Psikologi berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Yunani Psychology yang merupakan gabungan dan kata psyche dan logos. Psyche berarti jiwa dan logos berarti ilmu. Secara harafiah psikologi diartikan sebagal ilmu jiwa. Istilah psyche atau jiwa masih sulit didefinisikan karena jiwa itu merupakan objek yang bersifat abstrak, sulit dilihat wujudnya, meskipun tidak dapat dimungkiri keberadaannya. Dalam beberapa dasawarsa ini istilah jiwa sudah jarang dipakai dan diganti dengan istilah psikis.
Pengertian Psikologi Menurut Beberapa Ahli
Ada banyak ahli yang mengemukakan pendapat tentang pengertian psikologi, diantaranya:
- Pengertian Psikologi menurut Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia Jilid 13 (1990), Psikologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari perilaku manusia dan binatang baik yang dapat dilihat secara langsung maupun yang tidak dapat dilihat secara langsung.
- Pengertian Psikologi menurut Dakir (1993), psikologi membahas tingkah laku manusia dalam hubungannya dengan lingkungannya.
- Pengertian Psikologi menurut Muhibbin Syah (2001), psikologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tingkah laku terbuka dan tertutup pada manusia baik selaku individu maupun kelompok, dalam hubungannya dengan lingkungan. Tingkah laku terbuka adalah tingkah laku yang bersifat psikomotor yang meliputi perbuatan berbicara, duduk , berjalan dan lain sebgainya, sedangkan tingkah laku tertutup meliputi berfikir, berkeyakinan, berperasaan dan lain sebagainya.
- Dari beberapa definisi tersebut diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengertian psikologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tingkah laku manusia, baik sebagai individu maupun dalam hubungannya dengan lingkungannya. Tingkah laku tersebut berupa tingkah laku yang tampak maupun tidak tampak, tingkah laku yang disadari maupun yang tidak disadari.
Dapat diketahui bahwa pengertian psikologi merupakan ilmu tentang tingkah laku. Pada hakekatnya tingkah laku manusia itu sangat luas, semua yang dialami dan dilakukan manusia merupakan tingkah laku. Semenjak bangun tidur sampai tidur kembali manusia dipenuhi oleh berbagai tingkah laku. Dengan demikian objek ilmu psikologi sangat luas. Karena luasnya objek yang dipelajari psikologi, maka dalam perkembangannya ilmu psikologi dikelompokkan dalam beberapa bidang, yaitu :
- Psikologi Perkembangan, yaitu ilmu yang mempelajari tingkah laku yang terdapat pada tiap-tiap tahap perkembangan manusia sepanjang rentang kehidupannya.
- Psikologi Pendidikan, yaitu ilmu yang mempelajari tingkah laku manusia dalam situasi pendidikan.
- Psikologi Sosial, ilmu yang mempelajari tingkah laku manusia dalam berhubungan dengan masyarakat sekitarnya.
- Psikologi Industri, ilmu yang mempelajari tingkah laku yang muncul dalam dunia industri dan organisasi.
- Psikologi Klinis, ilmu yang mempelajari tingkah laku manusia yang sehat dan tidak sehat, normal dan tidak normal, dilihat dari aspek psikisnya.
Demikianlah beberapa pengertian psikologi menurut para ahli, mudah-mudahan dapat membantu.
Sumber :
- Dakir. 1993. Dasar-Dasar Psikologi. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar.
- Muhibbinsyah. 2001. Psikologi Pendidikan dengan Pendekatan Baru. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.
Kata kunci artikel : Pengertian Psikologi
Sunday, November 25, 2012
DHomesb Chapter 1 - (Version 4.0)
Which adapter enables a computer system to exchange information with other systems on a local network?
#network interface card
What measurement is commonly associated with computer processing speed?
Which computer component is considered the nerve center of the computer system and is responsible for processing all of the data within the machine?
Why do servers often contain duplicate or redundant parts?
#Servers should be accessible at all times.
What are two benefits of connecting a laptop computer to a docking station? (Choose two.)
#Less power is required.
#An external monitor can be used.
What characteristic of word processing software would make it a local application?
#The software is stored on the local hard drive.
A user plans to run multiple applications simultaneously on a computer. Which computer component is essential to accomplish this?
What are two advantages of purchasing a preassembled computer? (Choose two.)
#usually a lower cost
#adequate for performing most general applications
Applications can be grouped into general use software or industry specific software. What are two examples of industry specific software? (Choose two.)
#an educational tool
#medical practice management software
What is the main storage drive used by servers, desktops, and laptops?
#hard drive
A user reports that a peripheral device that was installed correctly last week has not been functioning since the PC was booted today. All other PC functions are working properly. What are three things a service technician should do to solve the problem? (Choose three.)
#Use the testing functionality on the peripheral itself, if available.
#Disconnect all cables connected to the computer except those connected to the peripheral.
#Ensure that the peripheral is powered on.
What two functions does a UPS provide that a surge protector does not? (Choose two.)
#It provides backup power from an internal battery.
#It gives the user time to safely shut down the computer if the power fails.
Which component is designed to remove high-voltage spikes and surges from a power line so that they do not damage a computer system?
#surge suppressor
Because of the potentially dangerous voltage levels, which two devices should you not open unless you have been specifically trained to work on them? (Choose two.)
#power supply
What can be used to prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD)?
#dry and non humid conditions
How many unique values are possible using a single binary digit?
Administrators at a multicampus college need access to their schedules wherever the administrators go. Which computing device would be the most appropriate?
Which two steps should be performed when installing a peripheral device? (Choose two.)
#Download and install the most current driver.
#Connect the peripheral using an appropriate cable or wireless connection.
How is a server different from a workstation computer?
#The server provides services to clients.
Which three terms describe different types of computers? (Choose three.)
In newer operating systems, how are system resources assigned by default when components are installed?
#dynamically assigned between the component and the operating system
Which adapter enables a computer system to exchange information with other systems on a local network?
#network interface card
What measurement is commonly associated with computer processing speed?
Which computer component is considered the nerve center of the computer system and is responsible for processing all of the data within the machine?
Why do servers often contain duplicate or redundant parts?
#Servers should be accessible at all times.
What are two benefits of connecting a laptop computer to a docking station? (Choose two.)
#Less power is required.
#An external monitor can be used.
What characteristic of word processing software would make it a local application?
#The software is stored on the local hard drive.
A user plans to run multiple applications simultaneously on a computer. Which computer component is essential to accomplish this?
What are two advantages of purchasing a preassembled computer? (Choose two.)
#usually a lower cost
#adequate for performing most general applications
Applications can be grouped into general use software or industry specific software. What are two examples of industry specific software? (Choose two.)
#an educational tool
#medical practice management software
What is the main storage drive used by servers, desktops, and laptops?
#hard drive
A user reports that a peripheral device that was installed correctly last week has not been functioning since the PC was booted today. All other PC functions are working properly. What are three things a service technician should do to solve the problem? (Choose three.)
#Use the testing functionality on the peripheral itself, if available.
#Disconnect all cables connected to the computer except those connected to the peripheral.
#Ensure that the peripheral is powered on.
What two functions does a UPS provide that a surge protector does not? (Choose two.)
#It provides backup power from an internal battery.
#It gives the user time to safely shut down the computer if the power fails.
Which component is designed to remove high-voltage spikes and surges from a power line so that they do not damage a computer system?
#surge suppressor
Because of the potentially dangerous voltage levels, which two devices should you not open unless you have been specifically trained to work on them? (Choose two.)
#power supply
What can be used to prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD)?
#dry and non humid conditions
How many unique values are possible using a single binary digit?
Administrators at a multicampus college need access to their schedules wherever the administrators go. Which computing device would be the most appropriate?
Which two steps should be performed when installing a peripheral device? (Choose two.)
#Download and install the most current driver.
#Connect the peripheral using an appropriate cable or wireless connection.
How is a server different from a workstation computer?
#The server provides services to clients.
Which three terms describe different types of computers? (Choose three.)
In newer operating systems, how are system resources assigned by default when components are installed?
#dynamically assigned between the component and the operating system
DsmbISP Practice Final Exam - CCNA Discovery: Working at a Small-to-Medium Business or ISP (Version 4.1)
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Maaf sobat mungkin dari jawaban di atas nilainya tidak sempurna, tapi insya Allah di atas 82. hehe